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efparri Profile
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Registered: 09-2010
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Re: K-Drama: 사랑을 믿어요 (My Love, My Family)

A vaporizer actually sprays droplets of water which could contain whatever was in the vaporizer. True steam is invisible. A wet towel changes liquid water directly into vapor, which are individual molecules rather than liquid water droplets.
8/15/2011, 12:33 pm Link to this post Send Email to efparri   Send PM to efparri Blog
Kittypaws Profile
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Registered: 09-2010
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Re: K-Drama: 사랑을 믿어요 (My Love, My Family)

That's very interesting, efparri. It's amazing how, once again, how much people in olden, even ancient, times, knew. In cold, dry areas, an iron pot filled with water would be kept on the hearth, thus creating humidity from true steam. Even today, New England catalogues still offer steamer pots. I thought it was the same as spraying mist from a water bottle but, apparently, creating steam is healthier.
   The things we learn from watching K-drama and reading comments from posters! I've learned a lot from all of you.
   By the way, I'm still holding out that by the end of this drama, when the last episode shows everyone happy and married with babies, etc., Yunhui will have become a confident, happy woman and mother. If it doesn't happen, then, I agree, yes, Ujin and she are a hard-to-believe couple, and I also will fail to understand why he is so taken with her.
8/15/2011, 1:57 pm Link to this post Send Email to Kittypaws   Send PM to Kittypaws Blog
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Registered: 09-2010
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Re: K-Drama: 사랑을 믿어요 (My Love, My Family)

Hwang Woo Seul Hye's (Choi Yunhui) pictures here are more flattering:

Last edited by efparri, 8/15/2011, 3:51 pm
8/15/2011, 3:49 pm Link to this post Send Email to efparri   Send PM to efparri Blog
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Registered: 03-2004
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Re: K-Drama: 사랑을 믿어요 (My Love, My Family)

Ep 54 (Sun)

Ujin on the hospital steps tells Yunhui he will visit his aunt tomorrow—that will be the last time they will see one another. He walks away into the rain... she decides to go after him but mistakenly thinks he has taken a taxi she sees driving by. She stands in the rain crying.

Ki-chang and Donghun in the tent bar. Donghun decides to have a drink after hearing of the divorce proceedings. Ki-chang complains that he just cannot live any longer with Yeonghui, that he can‛t stand anything about her. Donghun tells him every marriage is like that—even he and Hyejin almost divorced recently. Couples just don‛t reveal their problems to other people. Ki-chang is shocked, thinking Hyejin is the perfect woman/wife. Donghun tells his BIL to keep looking at Yeonghui, that he will come to see her as attractive again—just hang in there and work through it all.

Walking home in the rain with an umbrella, Donghun sees Hyejin waiting for him—in case he didn‛t take an umbrella with him. It is a nice moment of caring betwen them, Hyejin coming under his umbrella, his arm around her shoulders. As they walk away, we hear Hyejin ask why he met Ki-chang? 'They're getting a divorce,' he replies. 'Again?' she retorts.

Ki-chang leaves the tent bar, walking in the rain. Coming home to a dark apartment, he is sad and disappointed with his life... no one to greet him, to care about him, to smile at him and say a pleasant word. Inside the bedroom, Yeonghui has fallen asleep at her computer, trying to write her script. She is unaware of his feelings as they pour forth from his aching heart. He continues on in the front room, half drunk, half crying. It‛s quite sad, actually. When he opens the bedroom door and sees her talking in her sleep to her director, he stops himself. 'What's the use, why am I doing this?' Angrily he goes into his den, slamming the door...

The next morning at the breakfast table, both Hwayeong and her husband are morose. Dad starts in by telling Hwayeong she's a hag and he doesn‛t like looking at her face. It escalates from there into a screaming match. Dad says she doesn't care about him, only Ujin. He's just allowed upstairs for meals because Ujin wanted him there. Now that Ujin is gone, he carps that his wife doesn't care about him. Yes, that's right... she only let him eat meals upstairs because of Ujin. Now that he's gone, Dad can go back down to his basement! Dad kind of shuts up at that point.

Yeonghui awakes with a start, makes a quick fried egg breakfast (with broken yokes) for the boys. Ki-chang silently watches his wife feeding them, picking rice grains from the youngest boy‛s face and popping them into her mouth. (She should live with a tribe of monkeys—she would easily fit into their grooming habits) Ki-chang looks away. The boys rise and greet him as he comes and sits down, Yeonghui scurrying away back to the bedroom to work on her script. The oldest son asks his dad to go easy on his mother, to be kind to her. She‛s having a hard time with her writing and hasn't slept for days. As he is leaving for work, he opens the bedroom door as Yeonghui gets a call from her office. They‛re on her case about her deadline. Ki-chang looks back as he heads for the door. All the food and dishes are left from breakfast. He takes off his jacket, rolls up his sleeves and cleans up...

Deleted... class ul Cheolsuk comes over to Hwayeong‛s with a box of Ujin‛s things? Hwayeong gets sadder as she looks at the box. Cheolsuk returns to the restaurant, a sign hanging on the door. Inside, Cheolsu and Myeonghui are talking over a glass of wine. Trying to comfort her over her mother? Whatever the subject, Myeonghui is whining and upset. Cheolsuk walks in as Myeonghui leans her head on Cheolsu‛s shoulder. Cheolsuk discovers the wine and helps herself, drinking directly from the bottle. Cheolsu goes to his sister‛s room, angry at what she did? They argue. Cheolsu seems to lay down the law with her. He comes out of the room to overhear his wife crying on the phone to someone else...

Hwayeong finally picks up the box and takes it into Ujin‛s room, placing it on the bed. She opens it. Inside a book she finds a photo of herself with Ujin when he was a small child. She cries. Ujin has taken it from their family photo album and kept it with him. She returns it to it‛s place in the album, then sadly cries as she looks at their early family photos.
At his hotel, Ujin goes down to the restaurant. Coincidentally, Hwayeong is meeting a director there, too, and sees Ujin. Thinking he left for the States, she is shocked and angry that he is still here without telling her, or coming home. He tells her he has only postponed his flight in order to see his aunt in the hospital. Ujin is calm and rather sweet, while Hwayeong has a bee in her bonnet, jealous and resentful that he cares so much for Aunt but not for his own mother. He asks her to join him in going to the hospital together, which she accepts, though she looks about as ugly as she ever has in this drama.

Walking into the lobby, Hwayeong nearly gets run over by attendants running with a gurney. Ujin grabs her and pulls her away. She is especially happy that Ujin keeps his arm around her shoulder as they continue on. In the elevator, a woman doctor recognizes Hwayeong, complimenting her acting and asking for her autograph. Hwayeong politely says 'yes.' The doctor asks if Ujin is her boyfriend. When Hwayeong says he is her son, the woman says he is so tall and handsome. Hwayeong beams over Ujin. As for Ujin, he sees his mother (perhaps for the first time) in her element, her world of fame. He smiles.

Cheolsu & Myeonghui, Donghun & Hyejin, and Yunhui are visiting mom when Hwayeong and Ujin come in. The family is shocked to see Ujin... worrying about how Yunhui feels with him there. Mom is elated to see Ujin, hugging him warmly from her bed, saying sweet, pleasant and approving words to her nephew. Hwayeong silently looks on at the ‛motherly affection‛ going on between them, while she has never experienced any of this with Ujin. Yunhui discreetly leaves the room.

Hwayeong and Ujin leave the room. When he goes to the machine to get some bottled water for his mother, he sees Yunhui sitting there. Then the rest of the family leaves the room and sees the face-off, too. Cheolsu is a little put off by Ujin ignoring Yunhui, but Myeonghui explains that they broke up. Yunhui runs back to the room, leaving Ujin and his mother at the vending machine. Ujin tries to cover his feelings with a happy face as they leave the hospital.

Hwayeong goes to Granny's house, sitting outside watching her weed Mom‛s garden. Granny doesn‛t spare any words in pulling Hwayeong up short about her complaining and feeling sorry for herself—it‛s her own fault for driving Ujin away. She has never even had a conversation with her son all these years.

Just then Yunhui returns home. Granny yells at her for working herself to the bone over this hospitalization, ordering her to go inside and rest. Yunhui runs inside and cries on her bed.

Grams asks Hwayeong if she still hates Yunhui? Yes, she does. Granny tells Hwayeong that she won with Ujin... is she happy now?! What does she have left in her life now that she's won? Ujin was raised by another woman for 23 years, then he stayed in America for another ten. He came home for 6 months and already Hwayeong is causing him to leave. It wasn‛t Yunhui who drove him away... she was a force for bringing mother and son closer together... Hwayeong drove away her own son all by herself. Granny declares she's going inside and that Hwayeong should think about all this.

After dark at the mansion, Dad is wondering where the heck his wife is? She is in the tent bar Ujin took her to before, drinking and remembering that night—Ujin putting down his silk-handkerchief for her to sit on, their conversation, his apology. Just then a drunk in the tent recognizes her as the famous actress and wants her autograph. She politely says 'no,' but the man keeps persisting until Hwayeong blows up, screaming that she is not the actress. She leaves. Walking home she remembers Ujin crying bitterly on their stairs, then on his knees before her begging her forgiveness and pleading for his mother to help him get Yunhui back.

The next morning, Hwayeong goes to Ujin‛s hotel room. He is packing. She wants to know why he is leaving—she doesn‛t believe he really wants to go. He replies he will go crazy and die if he doesn‛t. ‛Am I your mother,‛ she asks. Yes, he replies. Then I have wronged you. Can you admit that you have wronged me, too. He nods 'yes.' She looks angry but tells him that she understands he has found a girl he likes, that school teacher. She tells him to bring this girl home tomorrow for dinner—she will take another look at her. Be sure to dress her up in nice clothes so she is befitting as a prospective daughter-in-law to their family. Hwayeong gets up and leaves. Ujin can‛t believe what he‛s just heard...

8/15/2011, 4:46 pm Link to this post Send Email to nchristi   Send PM to nchristi AIM
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Registered: 09-2010
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Re: K-Drama: 사랑을 믿어요 (My Love, My Family)

class blockquote nsheldon wrote:

Ujin was so pitiful. No wonder Lee Pilmo is my favorite actor. Love this guy!

Teach is hiding out at church and is miserable. Ujin is miserable. He may die w/o her.

Mom is in the hospital and sick (maybe).

3 sons' parents go to file for divorce but are so distracted by other people there getting a divorce that they leave and end up arguing over who gets the kids. Actually, both parents have a point. She tells him that he was gone at night for years and didn't have anything to do with the family. Now that she is working, she's the one who is never home. But... she's out drinking until late at night and then unable to even function the next day. I still think dad is a better parent.

Soup guy... feeling sorry for him. His wife and sister aren't getting along. However, I think sis is the one that's at fault. She's still hurt, angry and jealous that her brother married. Like he had abandoned her. She needs to quit being so silly.

Hyejin and Donghun.... they're in happily ever after mode.
In one scene in the hospital with her two biological daughters clinging to her, Mrs. Kim asked whether they wanted her to breastfeed them.
8/16/2011, 7:44 am Link to this post Send Email to efparri   Send PM to efparri Blog
slantyeye Profile
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Registered: 08-2009
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Re: K-Drama: 사랑을 믿어요 (My Love, My Family)

Am disappointed that Ujin is marrying that crybaby teacher. She was so annoying when she kept following those boys that were auditioning with Ujin. At the beginning of the show, the soup guy was interested with Crybaby but the writers changed it knowing that Myeonghui can't possibly be with Ujin (they're first cousins). Anyway, am happy with Hyejin & husband's getting through their problem. The irritaing whining writer will also be able to reconcile with her hubby too, but I'm really upset with Ujin and the Teacher. Can' believe him saying he is the only one that can make Yunhui happy. What a crock!!
8/21/2011, 9:22 am Link to this post Send Email to slantyeye   Send PM to slantyeye
Kittypaws Profile
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Registered: 09-2010
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Re: K-Drama: 사랑을 믿어요 (My Love, My Family)

I agree. . .just because Ujin knows her past doesn't mean he is the only person who can make her happy. I thought that was weak. It would have been more believable if Ujin had presented the argument that, if he and Yunhui married, she would always remain a close member of her family.
   I really liked the storyline twist of writer's husband writing the episode. Maybe they'll become a team writing under a pseudnym and have all kinds of success together.
   Although I know so very little about Korean language (except for how lovely it sounds) and its rules of grammar, I think I detected that in the start of last night's episode when Ujin and his mother were talking in the hotel room, Ujin was speaking in a formal way (I heard many "-mida's" at the end of his sentences). I have a question. I was under the impression that family members talked less formally. So, If I heard correctly, was he speaking formally (1) because they were having a serious discussion? Or was it (2) because they do not have a particularly warm fuzzy relationship even though they are mother-son? Or (3) is formal usage always required when speaking to any elder, even if it is your own family? If there is an easy answer, I'd be grateful.
   Lastly, the actress playing Ujin's mother appears often in K-drama and plays her parts so well. Did you see that "walk" of hers as she left the hotel? The confidence! It made me laugh out loud. I couldn't imitate that if a million dollars were dangled over my head!
   Both scenes with the two of them were like a cat and mouse toying with each other, only both were the cat and both were the mouse.
8/21/2011, 11:32 am Link to this post Send Email to Kittypaws   Send PM to Kittypaws Blog
nchristi Profile
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Registered: 03-2004
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Re: K-Drama: 사랑을 믿어요 (My Love, My Family)

Ep 55 (Sat)

Hwayeong with Ujin in his hotel room tells him to bring Yunhui to dinner tomorrow night, dressed up nicely. She leaves. Ujin can‛t believe what just happened.

Family brings Mom home from the hospital. That night, the whole extended family are there for dinner. They applaud Yunhui for having taken care of Mom so conscientiously at the hospital.

Ujin arrives home with his luggage. Dad is shocked to see him walk in, not knowing his son did not leave for the States. Goes to his mom‛s room to announce his return. The situation is amazingly calm between them, befuddling Dad. Ujin is starving and goes to get some food from the refrigerator—food Hwayeong has left for him. Dad really can‛t figure this out, now. He is annoyed that there is special food for Ujin—food not offered to him.

After eating, Ujin goes outside for some fresh air, overlooking the night cityscape. Yunhui doing the same at her place, in the swing. Both flash back to their break-up and other events in their romance. While Ujin has a small smile at their future, Yunhui is sad, missing him.

Deleted ... class ul Cheolsu and Myeonghui returning to the soup restaurant. Inside, Cheolsuk is talking with her new partner (Ujin‛s former partner). Now Cheolsu seems jealous of his sister‛s attention to another man. In their quarters, Cheolsu mopes and is depressed. In the restaurant, Cheolsuk serves Partner dinner, who suddenly seems to notice Cheolsuk as a woman—a good cook, a competent business woman, etc. Back in the living area, it looks like Myeonghui has created a business plan on how to get Cheolsuk married off. I think one of the items is to lose weight? Cheolsu doesn‛t seem to agree too much with this plan.Ki-chang giving a very lively, interesting modern lit lecture at the adult academy. He is popular as a teacher. The academy head calls Ki-chang into his office and praises him for his great talents, saying he is very glad to have the best working at their academy.

Meanwhile, the K-drama director has run over to Yeonghui‛s, angrily berating her over her poor script. Ki-chang returns, seeing director picking on Yeonghui, who is crying. Director calls her a silly woman, throwing her script down on the ground, stepping on it. Someone picking on his wife angers Ki-chang and he wants to come to her defense, but stays in the background, probably to not embarrass her even more.

In the apartment, the boys greet their dad. Yeonghui is still outside trying to pull herself together. When she comes in, Ki-chang holds himself back from his usual behavior. He cleans up the bedroom as she works on her script in the den. In the middle of the night he finds her asleep at the desk and carries her to bed. He returns to the den and works on her script himself.

At Ujin‛s, his parents are surprised to see that Ujin has come down early and prepared breakfast for them, serving them. Afterwards, he sits in the front room reading, a smile on his face. Hwayeong asks why he isn‛t reading in his bedroom? Ujin smiles and comments how spacious and comfortable it is to read downstairs. Looks like he‛s finally settling into his home for the first time in his life.

Yeonghui awakened by her phone... the director having another fit about her script not being there in his office. She runs into the den and discovers her script is mysteriously finished—but she can‛t remember having written these new plot twists. Having been up all night, Ki-chang shaves and gets ready for work. He has taken care of the boys and sent them to school, and leaves for work himself. Director calls again, elated at the great script! Yeonghui is still mystified at the great script she has written—a script she has no memory of. Suddenly, it looks as though she is starting to realize it could have been finished only by one person—her husband.

Ujin goes to Yunhui‛s to propose to the family once again. They‛re all shocked. Yunhui drops a bowl of flour when she sees him. He tells them that Hwayeong has asked him to bring Yunhui over for dinner tonight (= accepts her as DIL). He makes his pitch, that he is the only man who can love her the way the family would want and could trust. He is the one who knows Yunhui better than anyone else, knowing her background, how she has grown up, being able to understand and handle whatever comes up in her life. He confidently and respectfully asks their permission to take her to his house.

In her room, Yunhui nervously waits, not knowing what is being said outside. Suddenly, Ujin comes into her bedroom and tells her to get dressed—he is taking her out. We see Ujin dragging Yunhui in her wedding dress and red hair clip out the front gate. She has no idea where they are going, but Ujin has the smile of his life on his face as they head up the hill towards his parents‛ home.
8/21/2011, 11:59 am Link to this post Send Email to nchristi   Send PM to nchristi AIM
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Re: K-Drama: 사랑을 믿어요 (My Love, My Family)

Even though I am annoyed to death by Yunhui and her crying and weakness, I think she and Ujin make a good combination. For all his bravado, he is really a terribly insecure, lonely man with no place to fit in. All his life he never received a message that he was worthwhile, capable and lovable, having grown up with parents who didn't have time to even notice him. Not to mention the overwhelming shadow of his famous, iron-willed mother and his successful writer father. Ujin needs someone like Yunhui to look up to him, to value him, to love him just as he is—or can rather easily tolerate all his obnoxious quirks. She is a woman Ujin feels needs him and his care without making demands. That would be Yunhui in a nutshell. For her, Ujin is full of excitement and passion—qualities sadly lacking in Yunhui‛s life. I see them as a rather natural fit as a couple.

I very much like the way Hwayeong has humbled herself. 'Humble' isn't a word that fits her, but for her personality being what it is, the way she has changed towards her son is her version of being humble—and a very hard pill for her to have swallowed. It's interesting to watch how she acts now that she's given permission for Yunhui to come to dinner. When she first left Ujin's hotel room and walked out of the lobby, though she was in emotional pain, it seemed as though she had a great burden taken off of her, taking a deep breath and moving on to a new chapter with her son.
8/21/2011, 4:18 pm Link to this post Send Email to nchristi   Send PM to nchristi AIM
slantyeye Profile
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Registered: 08-2009
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Re: K-Drama: 사랑을 믿어요 (My Love, My Family)

I really like the actress that plays Ujin's Mom. She is a very good and talented actress, very elegant and carries her clothes very well. I like her when she plays as a rich woman as she has a very good fashion sense. i love Hyejin too, but is always irritated with Crybaby girl.
Ujin is so immature especially when he was twirling Yunhui around. He always trat her like a child.
8/22/2011, 8:47 am Link to this post Send Email to slantyeye   Send PM to slantyeye

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